Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


Ad results May 2023

I have to admit I didn’t pay very much attention to my ads this month. First I was really busy focusing on finishing DRAGONSKULL: DOOM OF THE SORCERESS, then I had to travel a bunch, then I got sick, and a bunch of other stuff was going on.

So basically the ads were on auto-pilot for May, though I turned off the ads for THE GHOSTS in the third week of the month because they weren’t performing well.

So let’s see how ads did in May when my attention was elsewhere!

Facebook ads (this is what I got back for every $1 I spent):

Frostborn: $2.03

Sevenfold Sword: $2.04

The Ghosts: $7.00 (somewhat artificially inflated because I shut off the ads around the 18th).

Cloak Games: $10.31

CLOAK GAMES did stupendously well because of CLOAK OF DRAGONFIRE and a Bookbub for CLOAK MAGE OMNIBUS ONE which performed way above expectation. Like, 4X above expectation. Even without CLOAK OF DRAGONFIRE factored in, CLOAK GAMES still came in at $4.59.

Let’s see how the Amazon ads performed. This month I only advertised DRAGONSKULL: SWORD OF THE SQUIRE with Amazon ads. Remember that for an Amazon ad to work, it needs to generate at least 1 sale for every 6 to 8 clicks.

Amazon US DRAGONSKULL: 1 sale for every 1.08 clicks, $4.98 back.

Amazon UK DRAGONSKULL: 1 sale for every 2.64 clicks, $3.94 back.

So Amazon ads, if you set them up correctly, keep functioning very well when your attention is elsewhere. I would have liked the UK ads to do better, but they’re performing quite well, and I made $3.94 for every $1 I spent on them, so I have no cause for complaint.

It is good to know that ads will continue even if your attention is elsewhere – finishing DOOM OF THE SORCERESS, for example, or traveling 2400 miles and ending up seeing the Country Music Hall of Fame in the process.  Amusingly, I had someone email to inform me that there is no Taylor Swift memorabilia at the Country Music Hall of Fame. This was amusing because 1.) I saw all this stuff with my own eyes, and while I was very tired at the time, I don’t think my brain would hallucinate Taylor Swift memorabilia because I’ve never actually purposefully chosen to listen to one of her songs, 2.) tens of thousands of people were there, that actual day, to see the Taylor Swift stuff, and if that stuff hadn’t been there, the Country Music Hall of Fame getting burned down by enraged Swifties would have made the national news.

Anyway! The point is that ads, if set up correctly, will function while your attention is elsewhere, such as bemusedly looking at country music exhibits or reading an email where someone informs you that you are Wrong On The Internet. 🙂


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