Where to Start?
New to Jonathan’s Books? Where to Start:
Fantasy Fans:
Arthurian-Inspired: Frostborn
Sword and Sorcery: Demonsouled Series
Dark Fantasy: The Ghost Series
Urban Fantasy: Cloak Games Series
Science Fiction Fans: Silent Order Series
Lit RPG Fans: Stealth & Spells Online Series (Note: You don’t need to read any of the Frostborn/Sevenfold Sword books in order to start this series)
Mystery Fans: Cormac Rogan Mysteries
Connected Series Overview
Although each series is designed to be an entry point for new readers, it does help somewhat to read the connected series in the order below. For more information, please consult the Master Reading Order page.
Frostborn (Ridmark)
The Ghosts Series (Caina)
Demonsouled (Mazael)
Cloak Games (Nadia)