SEVENFOLD SWORD and other updates!
A new week is upon us, so let’s see where my current writing projects are at!
-I’m 40,000 words into SEVENFOLD SWORD: SERPENT, and am still planning to have this book out in September.
-Editing is going well on CLOAK GAMES: MAGE FALL, and that should be out in the first week of August.
-I’m 12,000 words into GHOST IN THE AMULET, Caina’s next adventure.
-SILENT ORDER: ARK HAND is at 25,500 words.
How on Earth do you manage to keep them all straight in your head when working on so many different stories at once?
Detailed outlines, mostly. And having different characters – Ridmark and Nadia would react very differently to the same situation.
I was thinking why can’t they just bring the swords they have to the forge and destroy them to stop the rise of the New God?