bestselling books!
I’ve now imported all seven and a half years of my ebook sales data into the Trackerbox application (which I praised earlier this week in another post), and I can now find out all sorts of interesting things with a few clicks of a mouse.
My bestselling title of all time? FROSTBORN OMNIBUS ONE.
My bestselling individual (non-omnibus) title of all time? FROSTBORN: THE MASTER THIEF.
My bestselling GHOSTS book? GHOST IN THE FLAMES. I’m quite satisfied about that, because I spent years trying to sell it to a publisher or an agent, back in the Bad Old Days when I thought traditional publishing was a meritocracy rather than what it actually is (which, in my personal opinion, is a corrupt, money-wasting joke).
As an added bonus, Trackerbox lets me calculate a month’s book sales in about 20 minutes instead of 6 hours.
Thanks for reading all those books, everyone!
Any publisher who didn’t think the Ghost series was worth publishing is a complete idiot! One of my absolutely favorite series of all time!
Thanks! We’ll have more coming from Caina in October if all goes well. And some bonus material from her next month… 🙂