audio technology
Recently I started listening to the audiobook of WINTER PREY, written by John Sandford and narrated by Richard Ferrone. It’s really good, but the book was written in 1993, and I think the audio version was recorded around 1995.
Which meant I was listening to the audiobook using technology that did not exist when the audiobook was recorded – smartphone, Bluetooth, wireless car speakers. Back in 1995, it would have been this thick bundle of like 15 CDs, and it would have been sold on those audiobook spindles that used to be in gas stations. Or on that one shelf in the back of Barnes & Noble (and Borders, back then). It really took the smartphone for audiobooks (and podcasts) to take off.
That got me thinking. My longest audiobook so far is THE GHOSTS OMNIBUS ONE, which is 39 hours long. If it was in CD format, I think that would come to around thirty-three CDs or so. That would be a thick case!
Maybe I could use that as a marketing tagline – enjoy THE GHOSTS OMNIBUS ONE! If this was in CD, it would be like 33 CDs long!