Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller



I am pleased to report that DRAGONTIARNA: DEFENDERS is now available!

You can get it at Amazon USAmazon UKAmazon DEAmazon CAAmazon AUBarnes & NobleKoboApple BooksGoogle Play, and Smashwords.

The realm of Andomhaim reels beneath the invasion of Warlord Agravhask, and Ridmark stands in his path.

Ridmark knows that Agravhask is only the servant of the mighty Warden of Urd Morlemoch, and the realm must be ready to face its true foe.

But the Warden knows that Ridmark can stop him, and has dispatched the Heralds of Ruin to slay the Shield Knight.

Third of Nightmane Forest has seen the trap, and rushes to save her friend.

If she fails, the Warden and his dark Heralds will triumph, and darkness will swallow the world…


6 thoughts on “DRAGONTIARNA: DEFENDERS now available!

  • Matthew Ferguson

    Heh. Heh heh heh. Did the Warden find Cthulu out in space somehow? I was kinda bothered by the Theophract having the ability to bypass Calliende’s wards, but he paid a ridiculously high price for it didn’t he?

    Also, I like how most of the questions raised in the last book can be answered by the phrase. BECAUSE RIDMARK ARBAN. Also also, does anybody else get the feeling the Wraith is going to steal a few things before she leaves Cintarra? Heads, swords, things of that nature?

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Tentacles. Tentacles everywhere!

      We’ll see more with Moriah and Niall in DRAGONTIARNA: CROWNS!

  • Great read, I must of reread it four times by now (I read very quickly) but I will admit that I do feel you tend to ignore the rules that you have set out in previous books.

    (potential spoilers ahead)

    In Sevenfold sword Necromancer, it is explained that to use the well of tarlion you need to first make a link to it, which requires you to be in the same room as it. However in this book, you had a character use it without ever being in the room nor making a link to it.

    It feels kind of “this is going to happen because…it is going to happen” which does detract from the weight of the actual story.

    Either way look forward to seeing what happens next.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      That’s only if you want to deliberately make a link to the Well. Otherwise, it can manifest naturally during moments of extreme emotional duress – Camorak in THE SOLDIER’S TALE, for instance, and Calliande’s link to the Well manifested when her father died and she tried to heal him.

      • Matthew Ferguson

        Do you have to be in proximity to it? Because why did Morigna develop Earth powers and not Well Powers? As a side note, how come most people only use 1 element? Everyone either uses 1 or all 4. I mean can Morigna not learn any new elemental magic?

        • Jonathan Moeller

          A combination of random chance and inborn talent. I can write 10,000 words in a day, but I can barely manage to get three coherent sentences out in a row, which is why I don’t narrate my own audiobooks. With time, practice, and training, I could become a better speaker, but I would never be as good as someone born with talent who developed it. The same principle applies to magical ability.


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