I am very, very, very pleased to report that the rough draft of DRAGONTIARNA: STORMS is done!
123,000 words in 31 days.
Not going to lie, this one was a hard one to write. I’m not sure why. The last time I had such a hard time finishing a book was GHOST IN THE WINDS and MASK OF SPELLS, and that was because I was moving to a new state in the middle of the process. On the other hand, people really liked GHOST IN THE WINDS and MASK OF SPELLS, so perhaps that is a good sign.
Next up is SHIELD KNIGHT: REBELS, a short story from the point of view of Niall and Moriah set between the events of DRAGONTIARNA: LEGIONS and DRAGONTIARNA: DEFENDERS. Subscribe to my newsletter, and you’ll get a free copy of SHIELD KNIGHT: REBELS when DRAGONTIARNA: STORMS comes out.
Finally, let’s share the cover art for DRAGONTIARNA: STORMS! I don’t usually share that until I start editing, but it took a really long time to write that rough draft. 🙂 As with the previous DRAGONTIARNA covers, this was designed by Clarissa Yeo.
Wow, cover looks great and I am sure the story will be even better!