Ad Results June 2023
It’s the first day of July, so let’s see how my book ads performed overall last month.
Frostborn series: $4.45 back for every $1 spent.
Ghosts series: $5.79 back for every $1 spent.
Cloak Games/Mage series: $5.42 back for every $1 spent.
Sevenfold Sword series: $2.15 back for every $1 spent.
So a strong month for Facebook ads. I think in July I will switch off the ads for SEVENFOLD SWORD and advertise to SILENT ORDER instead since SILENT ORDER: THUNDER HAND should hopefully be coming soon.
And given that I’m planning to write a new Caina book in September/October (I already booked a narrator for it), it’s gratifying to see THE GHOSTS doing so well!
Let’s see how the Amazon ads did! I advertised DRAGONSKULL: SWORD OF THE SQUIRE in both Amazon US and Amazon UK.
Dragonskull Amazon US: $7.17 back for every $1 spent, 1 sale for every 0.87 clicks.
Dragonskull Amazon UK: $5.07 back for every $1 spent, 1 sale for every 1.65 clicks.
So a strong month on Amazon ads as well.
I think the big challenge of my books is that I can only advertise so many of them at once. As of DRAGONSKULL: DOOM OF THE SORCERESS, I have 141 novels, but it’s impossible to advertise all of my series at once, especially on Amazon. So I need to pick and choose based on the opportunities available at the time (Bookbub deals, a book coming out in a series that month, etc).
And as always, thanks for reading everyone!