Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Reader Question DayUncategorized

And Now For A Change In Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Our weekly Reader Question Day is moving to Saturdays instead of Fridays. So if you think of a question to ask me this week, you’ve got one more day than usual to leave it in a comment here or email it to me at jmcontact @

I could make up a deep and profound reason for the change, but the truth is that it gives me a chance to watch episodes of “House” off Hulu on Saturday mornings while writing Reader Question Day. 🙂


3 thoughts on “And Now For A Change In Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

  • House?! That show is still on?!! Talk about jumping the shark 😉

    On a more serious note: I now have an extra day to think of lots of irrelevant questions to bog you down with? Great! 😀
    1) What came first, the chicken or the egg?
    2) A tree falls in the woods, if no one is there, does it make a sound?
    3) And speaking of sound, what is the sound of one hand clapping?
    😀 😀 😀 😀

    Ok, now that all that is out of my system, here is a real question:
    Of all the fantasies you have read, what are the ones you’d most like to see put to the silverscreen (provided that they have already not been put to the screen ala LOTR or The Hobbit)?
    Did you ever read the Eragon books? Inheritance is the title I think the series goes by. And no this is not like my Wheel of Time question. I’m not asking because I want to read them, its just that you seem to read alot of the fantasy that is out there and I’m curious. My younger brother used to be into the series, he liked it alot. That was before he got into anime, I don’t know if he ever finished the series.

    I could ask you a silly question like:
    Who would win in a fight, Mazael or Caina?
    But that would just be silly…
    So yes, there is my last question, mwahahaha!

    • jmoellerwriter

      “Of all the fantasies you have read, what are the ones you’d most like to see put to the silverscreen (provided that they have already not been put to the screen ala LOTR or The Hobbit)?”

      “The Hour of the Dragon”, but frankly Hollywood and Conan have not had a great track record for the last, oh, thirty years or so. To be honest, I watch fewer and fewer movies these days, and I’ve come to think it takes a rare and talented director (like Peter Jackson) to successfully convey the spirit of a book in a movie, since the two formats really aren’t all that compatible.

      “Did you ever read the Eragon books?”

      I haven’t, so I don’t have an opinion one way or the other.

      “Who would win in a fight, Mazael or Caina?”

      Tune in for Reader Question Day to find out! 🙂

  • The Hour of the dragon?
    That would be something to see, but alas, you are correct, Hollywood and Conan have not gone so well together so far.

    The original Conan movie was fun enough, but not very faithful to the books at all.
    The Sequel was corny! But I warmed up to it in time. Still not faithful to the books at all.
    And the latest version, so bad it hurts. REH, hollywood does not love you. And considering how poorly the latest did at the theater, my guess is there won’t be any new Conan films anytime soon. That also means the planned reboot, Red Sonja, has probably been canned. Considering it was Robert Rodriguez and his wife, Rose McGowan, doing it, I think another franchise has been spared the humiliation.


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