ebook sales for February 2012
The Lord was good to me, for that was how many ebooks I sold in February of 2012, which is almost 500 more than the 3,261 I sold in January. The post-holiday surge extended for a little longer than I thought.
Also, SOUL OF DRAGONS did very, very well its first month. More on that later.
For historical reference, here’s what my numbers have looked like since April, when I started experimenting with ebooks. In under a year, I have been fortunate enough to sell over 15,000 ebooks.
April 2011: 22
May 2011: 105
June 2011: 236
July 2011: 366
August 2011: 489
September 2011: 1335
October 2011: 1607
November 2011: 2142
December 2011: 2340
January 2012: 3261
February 2012: 3750