Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

administrataHalf-Elven ThiefThe Shield War

progress update

A new week is upon us, so let’s see where I’m at with writing projects!

SHIELD OF DARKNESS: 90,000 words.

HALF-ORC PALADIN: 24,000 words.

GHOST IN THE TOMBS: 9,500 words.

I think the rough draft of SHIELD OF DARKNESS will end up between 110,000 and 120,000 words, so hopefully I can (finally!) reach the end next week if all goes well. So I’m still hoping to have the book out in mid-July. After that HALF-ORC PALADIN will be my main project.

In audiobook news, recording of WIZARD-THIEF (the second book in the Rivah series) should start soon, so hopefully I will have more news about that soon!


One thought on “progress update

  • Wilson Spicher

    Why don’t queen mara and jager buy dwarven enspelled weapons and armor for the annathgrim it would make them more effective and would save more of their lives. According to the books the annathgrim are very wealthy from their trading so they could afford it I think.


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