Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


Question of the week: road food?

It’s time for Question of the Week, which is designed to inspire interesting discussion of enjoyable topics.

This week’s topic – what is your favorite food to eat while traveling? The inspiration for this question was the fact that I traveled somewhere around 1200 miles in the last week.

For me, I think my favorite food to eat while traveling is the McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets and fries. I know, objectively, that McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets and fries are not super-healthy, and I try to avoid fast food in general in my day-to-day life. For that matter, there are far superior fries/nuggets over those obtained at McDonald’s. However, McNuggets/fries offer several advantages to the weary traveler. I can eat them in the car without taking my eyes off the road or getting my hands messy ( I don’t eat them with dipping sauce), and in an airport, I can eat them in the waiting lounge without making a huge mess.

So, for me, it lands in the sweet spot between convenience, flavor, and not making a huge mess while eating it.


One thought on “Question of the week: road food?

  • Justin Bischel

    Nuts. Almonds, peanuts, or mixed nuts, roasted and salted. High in sodium, but nonperishable and high in protein. Like nuggets and fries, you can drive while eating them. Another advantage is the ability to easily put away uneaten nuts for later. And finally, no whining from vegans about the evils of consuming meat while in airport lounges.


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