Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

administrataThe Shield War

SHIELD OF DARKNESS rough draft done!

I am pleased to report that the rough draft of SHIELD OF DARKNESS is finally done!

111,000 words in 31 days. Amusingly, that’s about 6,000 words longer than SHIELD OF STORMS, but STORMS took me 35 days instead of 31. But I wrote SHIELD OF STORMS from December to January, and I took an entire week off for the Christmas holidays that year. I think the fastest I ever wrote a book of 110k and up was DRAGONTIARNA: DEFENDERS, but that was back during Covid when there was nothing else to do.

Next up is DISCIPLES, a short story that my newsletter subscribers will get for free in ebook form when SHIELD OF DARKNESS comes out. This makes it an excellent time to sign up for my newsletter!



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