Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

administrataThe Shield War

progress update

Now about halfway through the first edit of SHIELD OF DARKNESS.

And now for an update on HALF-ORC PALADIN!

On Wednesday I had to take the car in for maintenance. If you’re not aware, there’s currently a national crisis in the US automotive industry involving the software that most car dealerships use.  Apparently the company responsible for the software got hit by a massive ransomware attack, and they’re not expected to be back up until after the July 4th holiday at the earliest. So usually when I go in for car maintenance, the service tech prints off the form, and I sign it. Instead, the poor guy had to fill out the entire thing by hand, and I received several plaintive text messages urging me to come early and expect delays.

I didn’t mind. I usually don’t mind waiting, since for years I’ve spent my time in waiting rooms by writing. But it did mean I wouldn’t get any editing done, since I’m old enough now that I prefer to edit on a big monitor with the text zoomed like waaaaaay in.

So instead I brought my MacBook Air and wrote about 3,100 words of HALF-ORC PALADIN while waiting for the car work to finish.

I had a weird feeling of deja vu because I distinctly remembered sitting in that exact same waiting room chair in 2019, working on some of the final scenes of the SEVENFOLD SWORD series.

Anyway, I’m pleased to report that I’m now 31,000 words into HALF-ORC PALADIN, and that my car is in good shape. 🙂

If all goes well, SHIELD OF DARKNESS is on track to come out a few days after the July 4th holiday if all goes well.


One thought on “progress update

  • Patricia Groffel

    Glad you were able to make progress! Enjoy your work, hope to see it soon on BookFunnel! My issues are usually less stress bringing, but “ more month than money! Interesting “ juggling there! Praise GOD still at 78 , nimble enough to accommodate that hurdle and work through!” Keep up the great adventures of journeying through your worlds!”


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