What next?
Now that HALF-ORC PALADIN is out, what am I working on next?
-The next book will be SHIELD OF CONQUEST, and I am currently 12,000 words into it, which puts me on Chapter 3 of 22. If all goes well I am hoping that will be out in September.
-I am also 31,000 words into GHOST IN THE TOMBS, and I am very much hoping that will be out in October.
-I am 2,000 words into CLOAK OF ILLUSION, and if all goes well that will be out sometime in November.
Of course, that’s a pretty tight schedule. If anything slips everything will move back a month, of course, and that will pretty much take us to the end of 2024.
But that’s what I’m working on for the next few months.
That is an amazing schedule, How do you manage to work on three books at the same time. I think I would start to get plot lines mixed up
I usually write a couple hundred words of the next two books in the morning before I go to the gym. If I do that consistently enough and long enough, it builds up quite a bit by the time I am ready to start the book in earnest.
An exciting schedule! But it makes me wonder. Have you, as a very prolific writer, ever faced imposter’s syndrome or self-doubt? Do you still do? And what helps you overcome those doubts? I think self-doubt is something most writers go through.
I used to get nervous when I would publish, but that was a long time ago. Nowadays it’s more like “what I have written, I have written.”