I am pleased to report that STEALTH & SPELLS ONLINE: LEVELING is now available in audio, as excellently narrated by CJ McAllister!
You can get it at Audible, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon AU, Kobo, Google Play, Apple Books, Payhip, Chirp, Storytel, and Spotify.
Even high-level players can be derailed by a side quest.
Noah Carver is trying to find the dangerous secret within Sevenfold Sword Online, the most popular epic fantasy MMORPG in history.
But to do that, he needs to reach a high level, and that means finishing a lot of side quests for experience and loot.
And even side quests can be deadly to the unprepared…
I have seen authors that use KU state that best results come with updating a series every month or two. One held back a trilogy until he could post them monthly, as a test, and got his best results there. If you are keeping Stealth and Spells as a side job only, so to speak, you may consider releasing the last two novels like that.
Well, I’m planning to release #3 around the middle of 2025 if all goes well, so we’ll see what happens.
Wow 2025.. while I am hooked on Ridmark and all life harrowing adventures this series is fantastic spin. It would be nice if we didn’t have to wait as long till the next book but we also don’t want you rushing as it could hurt the content.