Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


Question of the Week: Work Music!

It’s time for Question of the Week, which is designed to inspire enjoyable discussions of interesting topics.

This week’s question: what do you listen to while working? Genre of music, audiobooks, podcast, nothing at all so you can concentrate, etc. No wrong answers, obviously.

For myself, I almost always listen to music while I am working, and the genre is usually Soundtracks From Video Games, Movies, And TV Shows (In That Order) That I Liked. Which makes it difficult to discuss music with people, I have to admit.

Random Person: Yeah, I listen to some Taylor Swift, maybe some Laney Wilson.

Me: Today I listened to the New Atlantis theme from STARFIELD like twenty times in a row while writing a fantasy novel about a thief who’s also a wizard.

(long pause)

Random Person: I have to go now.

I do listen to podcasts when I’m working outside, so long as I’m not using a power tool that requires earplugs for safe operation.


3 thoughts on “Question of the Week: Work Music!

  • I listen to audiobooks and music. Music ranges from classical to country to pop, bands and solo artists to instrumental. No rap or heavy metal or dance music. Or I’ll listen to music from YouTube channels. If I have to really focus on what I’m doing I’ll turn it low so it doesn’t distract.

  • Justin Bischel

    Video game music is my first choice. It can help grinding in real life just like it does in the game. If that isn’t working for me, then rock or classical music, with movie soundtracks at third.

  • I’m an aspiring author myself and i listen to movie or show soundtracks while writing. Or i listen ambient writing music on YouTube. Nothing with lyrics, as I can’t focus with them!


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