Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Half-Elven Thief

ORC-HOARD cover image & description

I’m far enough along to share the cover image and book description from ORC-HOARD!

If all goes well, the book should be out before Christmas.


Competitions between thieves always end in betrayal.

Rivah Half-Elven has risen high in the Court of the Masked King, the thieves’ guild of the imperial city of Tar-Carmatheion.

When a powerful wizard demands that the Court obtain a magical relic for him, Rivah and her crew are the obvious choice.

But the wizard wants the thieves of the Court to compete for the honor of stealing the relic.

Unless Rivah uses all her courage and cunning, she won’t be the last one standing.


4 thoughts on “ORC-HOARD cover image & description

  • Jimmy Hasslacher

    I love the half-elf series. I love just as much the sevenfold online series. Please publish Reactant.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      I’m about 22,000 words into REACTANT, and if all goes well I’ll publish it around the middle of 2025.

  • Great cover! I’m looking forward for exam season to end here so I could start reading Half-Elven Thief. Got myself the copy a while ago for Christmas.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! Should be out shortly after the 16th if all goes well.


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