Question of the Week: Snow Day
It’s time for Question of the Week, which is intended to inspire interesting discussions of enjoyable topics.
This week’s question – if you have work or school called off because of a “snow day” or extreme cold or other intense weather, what do you do with the day? No wrong answers.
For myself, the answer is clearly that I write 10,000 words the first day and then again the second day, because I just had two days where it was too cold to leave the house, so that’s what I did. 🙂
Ha, joke’s on you! It never snows where i live 🙂
We do sometimes bunk school on rainy days, though. What i mostly do then is catching up on homework or listening to the rain.
We’re having a snow day here, schools and many businesses are closed. So… LOTR extended movie marathon! Popcorn popped, hot cocoa and cold soda prepped.
Read. Write. Watch the snow fall. Try to exercise inside.