Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


Fun With Kobo Plus

With the recent change to Amazon USB downloading, a reader emailed to ask if I was going to keep my books in Kobo Plus.

Yes. If a book of mine is on Kobo, it should be in Kobo Plus.

Technically speaking, 86% of my novels are available on Kobo Plus right now.

The thing is, I have 159 novels now, and GHOST IN THE ASSEMBLY is going to be #160. So I have the inventory to play around with a bit. Like, for most indie authors, going to Kindle Unlimited or going wide is an all-or-nothing decision. If you have written seven books in one series, you kind of have to put all them in Kindle Unlimited or take all of them wide. Readers are just going to get annoyed if, say, book #1 is in KU and the rest are wide. But for me, if I want to put one series out of the 159 books in KU, I can, which is why DEMONSOULED is on KU right now and actually doing rather well at the moment.

Anyway, just for curiosity, here are my top ten lifetime titles on Kobo Plus. Thanks for reading, everyone!

1.) Frostborn Omnibus One

2.) Cloak Mage Omnibus One

3.) Dragontiarna Omnibus One

4.) Sevenfold Sword: Omnibus One

5.) Dragontiarna: Crowns

6.) Dragontiarna: Storms

7.) Dragontiarna: Legions

8.) Dragontiarna: Warden

9.) Frostborn: The Shadow Prison

10.) Dragonskull: Sword of the Squire




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