Today, someone bought all four THE TOWER OF ENDLESS WORLDS books at once.
That was nice. Thank you, whoever you are.
I used a PC for the first time when I was twelve. Specifically, a 386SX running MS-DOS 5.0 that turned up in my sixth-grade classroom when I was twelve. No one knew how to use it, not even the teacher, so I got a book on DOS from the library and taught myself how to use it. It is safe to say that I paid more attention to that computer than anything else that happened that year. (Though, to be fair, the skills I learned playing with DOS would one day be the foundation of a nicely selling book.)
I am always grateful that I did not grow up with computers from an early age. Because of that, the sense of wonder has never quite worn off. I work with computers and tablets and smartphones every day (in both of my jobs), and sometimes they seem less like machines and more like wonderful objects crafted by wizards, and I marvel that men, mere men, have fashioned such things by the strength and skill of their hands.
Of course, whatever the circumstances, it’s always best to remember this:
You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.