Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost in the StoneUncategorizedvideo games

Ghost in the Stone and Skyrim

I said I was going to take today off and relax, but I totally lied, and wrote 5,500 words of GHOST IN THE STONE instead. That’s like six percent of the rough draft right there, if my math is right.

I did find some time to play some Skyrim today. My character dueled a bandit chieftain on a narrow bridge over a rushing river, and sent the bandit chief plummeting to his death in the icy waters. That was pretty cool.

And then my character got killed by a bear.


9 thoughts on “Ghost in the Stone and Skyrim

  • Manwe

    lol! πŸ˜€ Maybe he thought you were trying to start a forest fire… πŸ˜‰
    There are so many stories like that one out there! All ending with death by bear! πŸ˜€
    I’ve heard stories of people slaying dragons with ease, but then being decimated by Smokey Bear.
    I guess they made the bear a little overpowered? Hehehe

    It’s never happened to me though. But let me tell you, past a certain point in the game, you kill pretty much anything with ease, including dragons. The only real challenge left for me was the dragon priests, specifically because they had such high damage, but now even that challenge is gone. Then again Giants can still be annoying…but not really deadly.

    Speaking of Skyrim, did you hear about the new dlc, Hearthfire? Wow, they really are trying to flesh out that game as much as possible. The Elder Scrolls meets The Sims.
    Actually I think it’s pretty neat, getting to design you own house and start a family, though I’d rather have been giving the option to actually have my own kids, rather than just adopt.
    After I build my house, I think I’m going to build a woodshed in the back. That way when my kids are bad, I can haul them off there and give ’em a good whooping, just like in ol’ times! πŸ˜‰

    • jmoellerwriter

      “I guess they made the bear a little overpowered? Hehehe”

      It was like that in Oblivion, too. I once ran half of Cyrodiil trying to get away from a very determined brown bear. Though brown bears are actually that formidable in real life.

      “After I build my house, I think I’m going to build a woodshed in the back. That way when my kids are bad, I can haul them off there and give β€˜em a good whooping, just like in ol’ times! ;)”

      That’ll be the second DLC. πŸ™‚

      • Manwe

        “I once ran half of Cyrodiil trying to get away from a very determined brown bear.”
        LOL, I would like to have seen that! πŸ˜€
        But again, I never actually ran into that problem myself. Sure I had creatures chase me, especially the minotaurs, but they only went so far, then they took off. Maybe the bears just like you πŸ˜‰

        “That’ll be the second DLC. πŸ™‚ ”
        I’m already petitioning Bethesda! πŸ™‚

        Speaking of petitioning, you’ve heard of the MERP project, right? The Lord of the Rings mod for Oblivion, and the new version for Skyrim.
        The one for Oblivion was fun, the Skyrim version looks epic…if it’s ever allowed to continue. And that brings me to my point, WB now owns the rights to LOTR games, books and films, and some of them must have taken notice of the Skyrim MERP, because they are trying to shut it down! How they can do this is beyond me, the mod is non profit mod, made by volunteers. Now the site has a petition running to try and get WB to back off. I signed up, because this is all about greed, WB has no right to do this. Plus I want to play the mod πŸ˜€
        I wonder if they will be going after all the other LOTR mods out there after this one? The Last Days nof for Mount&Balde was awesome, it be a shame to see that go too.

        • jmoellerwriter

          Things invariably go downhill when the lawyers get involved. Like Apple vs. Samsung.

          • Manwe

            Do you think MERP even has a chance?

          • jmoellerwriter

            Probably not. Litigation, alas, is just too costly.

  • Manwe

    Aw man that stinks! I was really looking forward to the Skyrim MERP. πŸ™
    I guess this means I should download any other LOTR mods before WB finds out about them. What a waste.

  • douglas

    I stopped playing skyrim at level seventy six

    • jmoellerwriter

      I’m only up to level 16, myself. At this rate I think I will finally kill Alduin in my retirement home on Mars.


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