ebook sales for August 2012
The Lord was good to me in August, for that is quite a lot of books. It’s also the most books I’ve ever sold in a single month. Thank you, everyone!
The big boost came from SOUL OF SORCERY, which did 349 copies in its first 13 days, and GHOST DAGGER, which did 91 copies in its first 9 days or so. GHOST DAGGER did well enough that I’m going to continue doing short novellas after I finished a full-length book – it’s a good mental reset for me, and keeps things going in the different series.
So, once again, thank you all. For historical reference, here is the record of my book sales since I started this in April 2011. Someday I’ll have to turn this into a pretty graph of some kind.
April 2011: 22
May 2011: 105
June 2011: 236
July 2011: 366
August 2011: 489
September 2011: 1335
October 2011: 1607
November 2011: 2142
December 2011: 2340
January 2012: 3261
February 2012: 3750
March 2012: 3644
April 2012: 3521
May 2012: 3886
June 2012: 3580
July 2012: 4153
August 2012: 4608
Congratulations Jon!
Glad I could help contribute to your biggest month yet! 🙂
Thanks! Contributions are always welcome! 🙂