Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


choose your own adventure, a terminal episode

You race for the spiderling, drawing upon the power of your bond with Heartwarden for strength and speed.

“Swordbearer!” shouts Ulacht, fighting one of the urvaalg. “No!”

The spiderling is faster. Her pincers yawn wide, and a glob of green venom erupts from her lips and slams into your face. You flinch, blinking, and for moment you think the venom has had no ill effects.

Then you see the monkeys.

Hundreds of purple monkeys suddenly fill the hall, watching you with beady red eyes, their wide smiles revealing rows of gleaming white fangs. Their tails sway back and forth like serpents, and you see the poisoned barbs rising from the purple fur.

Sudden terror strikes you. The monkeys can hear your thoughts! They’ve been plotting against you your entire life, scheming to bring you here. Your father, the Master of the Order of the Soulblade, even the High King himself – all have been part of this diabolical conspiracy.

But you are a Knight of the Soulblade, a Swordbearer, and you will not surrender without a fight!

Screaming, you charge the monkeys, brandishing Heartwarden, and you are so distracted by their insidious evil that you do not notice the spiderling until she steps behind you and tears out your throat.

The last thing you hear is the spiderling’s voice.

“So easy,” she murmurs. “Mother was correct. The Order has decayed. That the herd animals remember anything of importance at all is astonishing.”

Everything goes black.

Don’t worry – Ridmark may be dead, but in the grand tradition of “Choose Your Own Adventure”, the story shall continue! What should Ridmark have done instead?

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3 thoughts on “choose your own adventure, a terminal episode

  • ladysaotome

    Wasn’t expecting that. I’m a little worried all 3 of these options might end up terminal but we will see!

    • jmoellerwriter

      No, I’m not quite that mean. 🙂

  • lol, that was great! 😀 Was not expecting that!

    Hmm…but which to choose?
    Given the day this was posted, I’ll choose the unlisted third option:
    “Habemus Papam!” 😀


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