Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

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Caina vs. Mazael – who would win in a fight?

This is a common reader question, and like all good questions, the answer is “it depends.” 🙂

Specifically, it would depend on the circumstances. If Caina and Mazael were dropped in a small room together by an evil wizard (or a malicious author) and told to fight to the death, Mazael would win handily. Mazael has Demonsouled strength and speed and healing abilities, and while Caina is in excellent physical condition and unusually clever, she is in all other respects a physically normal twenty-one year old (by the time of GHOST IN THE FORGE) woman. In some circumstances, brute force prevails.

But if Mazael and Caina had a larger battlefield – say, Castle Cravenlock or the Vineyard, then they are more evenly matched. Mazael is an excellent tactician, but so is Caina, and she’s very good at tactical improvisation. Additionally, the longer Caina observes Mazael, the greater her odds against him. If she observes his strengths and weaknesses long enough, she has a better chance over devising a strategy to kill him. But if Mazael can catch her right away, before she can observe him at any length, he can kill her.

In a city the size of Barellion or Malarae, the odds definitely favor Caina. She is adept at disguise, and Mazael is not. Mazael is a knight, which means his skill set favors battlefield tactics and personal combat, not standing unseen in a crowd. Caina could easily gain the time she needs to observe Mazael, gauge his strengths and weaknesses, gather allies, and prepare a trap capable of defeating him.

So, the answer is that in a straight-up fight, Mazael wins. But the longer she has to prepare, the more likely it is that Caina wins.


23 thoughts on “Caina vs. Mazael – who would win in a fight?

  • The only way I see a straight-up steel cage match between these two being interesting is if Caina gets to use glypharmor. It would make up for the difference in reach and strength, but it would still be vulnerable to Lion’s fire.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Very true. Though if Caina had glypharmor, Mazael would get exactly one shot.

  • Mazael would win every single time, no matter where or when. he’s almost as smart as her, and a much better fighter. Plus, he is demonsouled, and he defeated the Old Demon, I don’t think Caina would be much trouble.

    • mark møllergaard

      Not if he didn’t no she was there. then whith her shadowclok, she can them kill him in one attack with ghostsilver and the poison from ghost in blood

      • but thats unfair. Caina gets the element of suprise too? That just goes to show how much stronger Mazael is. Plus he is immune to poison.

  • I agree. If it takes a ton of advantages for Caina to win, is it really a victory?

  • A stealth attack might or might not be enough to kill Mazael,but it wouldn’t be instantly, which would give Mazael enough time to cut the clever ghost down. Perhaps Caina could kill him, but it would cost her life.

  • Mazael would win because he is badass.

  • matt middlestaete

    True. My vote goes to Mazael.

  • jake middlestaete

    Mazael is smart too. He can come up with plans.

  • jmoellerwriter

    Ha! If this discussion continues, I might have to write a novella on the topic just to see what would happen. 🙂

  • Matty Dean

    If the fight is in a city and takes awhile you also have to take Mazael’s charisma into account, for an example look in Soul of Skulls (and that’s if Mazael is separated from his usual companions).

    P.s. wouldn’t Mazael have to have his head cut completely off to make sure he dies?

    • jmoellerwriter

      That is a good point. Though to kill a Demonsouled as powerful as Mazael, an attacker would have to completely destroy either his heart or his brain, or both.

  • douglas

    Mazael also has lion, and since Caina is a creature of dark magic it would harm her more than normal steel. And I assume, that like malrags, Caina would fear the flame and start growling and rasping and trying to use her black witchery on Mazael. But it would fail because he is fast and would run up and slit her evil, demon worshipping, dark magic practicing evildoer.

    • jmoellerwriter

      It probably depends. Lion’s flame would only harm Caina while the Moroaica is occupying her flesh. Of course, even without the flame, Lion is still a very sharp sword, and very sharp sword could kill her stone dead.

      • douglas

        I was kidding. I never thought about the Moroaica! Perhaps it would hurt her.

        • jmoellerwriter

          Now that’s an idea for an interesting post – who would win in a fight, the Moroaica or the Old Demon?

  • Matty Dean

    Invincible Malaric vs Moroacai

    • jmoellerwriter

      At some point in the next few weeks I’m going to do a Moroaica vs the Old Demon post.

  • Pingback: The Old Demon vs. the Moroaica – who would win in a fight? | Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

  • Joseph N

    Completely agree with “it depends” because of all the possibilities. Straight up fight, Mazael has it hands down, and Caina would know this too. Caina could win, in a larger battlefield, with stealth, and her ghostsilver dagger (wouldn’t it affect his demonsouled side, weakening and possibly killing him like a poison since it might stop his healing powers?).

    Can’t say that I would want to see the fight come to text though, would hate to see either of these great characters lose to the other. Though a cross-over would have been nice. I thought it might end up like that because I believe the Malrags were mentioned in one of the Ghosts books. Other smaller things could have been inserted as possibilities – such as the Skulls being in both books, rather than the Kindred in Ghosts, but Mazael’s story is done….and if he showed up as a guest in another story anyway, he’d probably steal the show eventually.

    • jmoellerwriter

      I do have an idea for a crossover novella that I think wouldn’t suck (ie, wouldn’t be too gimmicky), though I’m not sure when I could fit it into my schedule.


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