extreme weight loss vs. getting published
On July 13, 2009, I came across a website called fitday.com that offered a free online daily calorie tracker. I thought “why not?” to myself and decided to give it a try.
A year later, I’ve lost 133 pounds, 14 inches of waist, and gone from a XXXL shirt to a medium. Occasionally people ask if I’m anorexic, or if I have cancer, or if I had my stomach stapled, but I merely enjoy their looks of disappointment when I tell them that I merely exercised more and ate less over and over again. Sorry, folks, but the only way to lose weight is through pain, suffering, and self-denial.
All in all, it’s gone pretty well.
Though, speaking in my official capacity as a Published Writer (tm), I gotta say this: I found losing weight to be much less frustrating than getting published.