Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost in the RazorThe GhostsUncategorized

a short snippet from GHOST IN THE RAZOR

GHOST IN THE RAZOR is not an easy book from which to quote, since the entire book is basically one massive spoiler. (A lot happens!) But this should be a nice little preview:

A moment later Caina burst through the door onto the street, and he followed her.

She was breathing hard, but not nearly as hard as he might have expected.

“You’ve spent a lot of time running from people trying to kill you, haven’t you?” he said.

Caina flashed a grin over her shoulder at him, the expression grim yet somehow fierce and wild, and kept running.


2 thoughts on “a short snippet from GHOST IN THE RAZOR

  • Since the rough draft for Ghost In The Razor is done, how long till it comes out?

    • jmoellerwriter

      If all goes well, sometime in January.


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