another FROSTBORN: THE GORGON SPIRIT update (Frostborn #7)
Now on Chapter 10 of 24 of FROSTBORN: THE GORGON SPIRIT, at about 46,000 words. I think the rough draft will wind up at about 100,000 to 120,000 words, but we’ll see. Gauging a book’s final length while you’re writing it is more of an art than a science. 🙂
Let’s have a short excerpt!
“We have a problem,” said Gavin.
No one seemed to notice. How would Ridmark have handled this? Gavin considered for a moment, then drew a deep breath.
“Shut up and stop talking!” he roared at the top of his lungs.
Morigna and Arandar both whirled to face him, Arandar lifting Heartwarden and Morigna her staff. The others looked astonished. Gavin supposed that he did not shout all that often, now that he thought about it.
“Shut up and stop talking?” said Jager. “That’s redundant, you know.”
Ah jager.