Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost in the InfernoThe GhostsUncategorized


Now that FROSTBORN: THE GORGON SPIRIT is out, I can start working on GHOST IN THE INFERNO.

Actually, I’ve been working on GHOST IN THE INFERNO for a little while now, and I’m 46,000 words into it, on Chapter 10 of 23. Here’s a short excerpt:

“I believe her,” said Caina.

“You’re an optimist,” said Morgant.

“Really?” said Caina, her eyes narrowing. “Since when?”


2 thoughts on “GHOST IN THE INFERNO now underway

  • Ohhh that’s the best news I’ve had this month. Absolutely can’t wait. My heart skipped a beat when I read that short but awesomely funny fragment 😛 I am dying with anticipation, waiting on my toes for the next book to come out 😉 Anyway, who is this “she”?? Is it Analora or whatever her name is? No…she was a great lore master of Iramis…what was her name? Will they find her? They probably will…but in this book or the next? :3 Oh, and I’ve wanted to ask for a long time, do you have charecters whom you like or dislike more than others or is every villian and/or hero indifferent to you? I know I’m sorta spaming, but I just can’t help it…I’m giddy with excitment 😀
    – Your awesome and adoring fan Iheart <3 😉

    • jmoellerwriter

      I will do my best not to keep you waiting too long. 🙂

      The “she” from the excerpt is Nerina Strake.

      GHOST IN THE INFERNO will center around Caina’s attempt to rescue Annarah from the Inferno. We’ll see what happens…and, of course, there will complications!

      As for heroes and villains, the trick to writing either is that their actions have to be morally justified in their own minds. Especially for the villains – a villain works better in the story, I think, if he is completely convinced of the rightness of his actions.


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