Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost AscensionUncategorized

Ghost Ascension – Episode 7

“Follow me,” you tell Sophia, and you duck into the alleys behind the carpet shop, Sophia hurrying after you. Somehow, she manages to keep her balance in those ridiculous heeled boots. You circle around the block, making your way through the narrow alleys, turn a corner, and…

Two of the Kindred assassins almost walk into you, blinking in shock.

You recover faster, a throwing knife appearing in your hand, and you drive the blade into the first assassin’s throat. He goes down, choking in his own blood. The second man leaps back, drawing a short sword from his belt. You spin to face him, letting the throwing knife fly, and it buries itself in his shoulder. Then man stumbles with a scream of pain, and you spring forward, yanking the dagger from your boot.

In a few seconds it’s all over.

Sophia stares at you, eyes wide with astonishment.

“Murderer.” It’s your father’s voice in your head, this time. “You killed them like insects. Slaughtered them like hogs. And you feel not the slightest pang of remorse, do you? What sort of monster have you become, my child? Cold and merciless and…”

“They would have killed us if I hadn’t…” you start to say.

Sophia blinks at you, and you realize that you are talking to yourself. Bad enough that you’re hearing voices, but now you’re answering them?

You clean your weapons on the dead assassins’ clothing. “Let’s go. We’ll want to be gone before…”

Lucan comes around the corner, sword in hand.

Sophia looks at you, at him, and then back to you, and then smirks.

“Good,” says Lucan. “Those assassins scattered. I thought some of them might catch up to you.”

“They did,” says Sophia, smiling, “but your lady dispatched them with such ease that I thought of a lioness running down gazelles. It was…it was so very artistic. The painting I could make of it…yes, with crimson paint for the blood. Or a statue, to capture the living motion of life and death in cold marble…”

You share a glance with Lucan, and you can tell he’s thinking the same thing you are. Is Sophia entirely sane? The woman had nine Kindred assassins after her, and yet she’s not even carrying a weapon, not even one hidden beneath her tight clothing (as far as you can tell, anyway).

“So,” says Lucan, “you seem quite calm. You’re often chased by Kindred assassins, I take it?”

Sophia giggles. “Oh, no. No, no, no. Not at all. This is all quite exciting, you see.”

“Do you know why the Kindred are after you?” you say.

“I haven’t the faintest idea, alas,” says Sophia. “I came to Malarae because I heard a rumor that a legendary treasure had been found in the ruins of Caer Magia, and I wished to see this thing with my own eyes. So I came north from Istarinmul…”

“Wait,” you say, “you came from Istarinmul?” Nikaedes is from Istarinmul.

“Indeed I did,” says Sophia, “sailing northward, from the lands of the golden desert to the green Empire of the north, I did…”

“On the ship,” you say, remembering what the Kindred assassin told you, “did you see a man with yellow eyes?”

“Yellow eyes?” says Sophia. “Why…indeed I did. A man with eyes the color of sulfur. A most striking contrast with his gray skin. A rather churlish fellow, and not at all fond of conversation. He kept to himself, and did not say his name. Rather rude of him, don’t you say?”

You think it over. Nikaedes came from Istarinmul – could he be the yellow-eyed man? Of course, you have been operating under the assumption that the magi hired Nikaedes to kill the Emperor. But, assuming that the yellow-eyed man is Nikaedes, why would the magi send Kindred assassins after him? Had Nikaedes come to the capital for some other reason?

And Caer Magia. That name stirs something in your mind, but you can’t remember what…

“You should,” Lucan murmurs into your ear, “go speak with the blacksmith. You can find more information there.”

You nod.

“You’re going?” says Sophia, and just a hint of fear comes over her face. “Oh, do let me come with you! It would be ever so exciting.”

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