Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost AscensionUncategorized

Ghost Ascension, Episode 11

You race past Korthion and hurry up the stairs. Again Korthion doesn’t notice you. A moment later you are back on the upper level of the catacombs, where Lucan, Ark, and Sophia are waiting for you.

Lucan draws his sword the minute he sees your expression. “What is it?”

“Korthion,” you say. “The yellow-eyed man is Korthion.”

Lucan frowns. “He’s dead.”

“He is,” you say. “And yet he’s still moving around. He couldn’t see me, not with this cloak, but he knows you’re here, and he’s coming to kill you.”

Sophia giggles. “Your old enemy, returned from the grave to slay you? Dreadfully melodramatic, really. Hardly the level of true art at all. I…”

“Shut up,” you say. “We’ve got to go, now. We’re not prepared to fight something like him. He catches up to us, we’re dead.”

“Wait!” says Ark. “That stairwell is narrow. We can ambush him when he comes up, cut him down before he has a chance to work a spell.”

“You won’t be able to surprise him,” you say. “He sensed you, even through the stone. He’ll know you’re coming.”

Lucan frowns. “But he must not be able to sense you in that cloak…you could take him the minute he comes through the archway. Especially if all his attention is focused on us.”

You hesitate. It could work. It might work.

But you don’t know what Korthion has become, and you only have blades of steel. You might not have a weapon capable of killing him (again), or even hurting him.

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