paper books vs ebooks
I read a total of 83 books in 2017. 14 of them were paper books, but 69 of them were ebooks.
It’s interesting how much easier ebooks fit into your life if you’re a busy adult. The accepted social convention nowadays is that if you’re a busy adult, you need to keep your phone nearby when you’re out in public. And it’s a lot easier to carry a phone with you than a paperback book or especially a hardback book. You can read a couple of pages on your phone while in line at the post office. A lot harder to do that with a hardcover book!
I read some where between a lot and way too many books on a yearly basis. Last year I do not read a single paper book and it has been at least 7 years since I have bought a paper book. Years ago, I would have bought both the paper and e-book versions of books I really liked. Now with a wife and kid that is not a smart option. Plus e-books are a much easier storage option.
Yeah – an ebook collection is a lot easier to haul up four flights of stairs than a paper one.
its been years since i bought a “real” book, except for a couple that aren’t available in any ebook format
The only times I’ve done that have been cases when the ebook costs more than the paper book.